Being the pioneer department of the organisation, the health department strives to ensure that communities adopt a positive and health seeking behaviour for improved quality of life. It also seeks to increased access to essential needs (medical, nutritional, and psychosocial support), for women, children, vulnerable persons and remote communities.
Promoting Positive Health-Seeking Behaviour
We encourage individuals to adopt positive lifestyles and take actions that support their wellbeing, their families and communities. This includes but not limited to eating habits, attitudes towards medical care and perceptions about medical prescriptions.
Health facilities in remote, vulnerable and conflict affected communities are either unequipped, dilapidated, under-staffed or destroyed. Communities are thus, deprived of their rights to primary health care. Our community outreach through mobile clinics and on-site consultation bridges the gap and helps reduce mortality rates. Health Outreach constitutes consultation, laboratory testing, drug dispensation, counselling, and referral.
Community Health Outreach
Fighting Diseases
(Malaria, Tuberculosis, HIV/Aids)
These are some of the killer diseases in Africa and Cameroon. We counter the prevalence of malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS through sensitisation and awareness raising, donation of treated mosquito nets, free consultation and medication, administration of Anti-retrovirals and follow-up for persons living with HIV/AIDS, engaging communities in the prevention of diseases.
Educating communities on the types, functions and importance of contraceptives, peer education on STIs and STDs, demonstration on the use of male and female condoms, the anatomy of men and women, donation of condoms, and dignity kits. Providing appropriate information different family planning methods.
Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights
Supporting Infant and Maternal Health
Our priority is to see health mothers and healthy babies. Majority of infant and maternal mortality are due to preventable reasons. In this light, Reach Out Cameroon engages in supporting Infant heath by encouraging exclusive breastfeeding, offering antenatal and postnatal Care, child vaccination, diagnosis and treatment of severe acute malnutrition and free malaria treatment for children. Maternal health is promoted through donation of mama kits, midwifery services, health vouchers, assisted delivery personnel.
During outbreaks, we engage in emergency response to reduce the rate of prevalence and risk of infection. This is done through administration of first aids, donation of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), capacity strengthening on prevention, vaccination, and disinfection.
Rapid Response Mechanisms During Endemics and Pandemics
Research on Health Systems
Research is the most reliable way through which we get data about primary health care systems, how different stakeholders influence health care. Findings help us identify problems, discover gaps and sustainable solutions to health concerns.
Many health issues arise from contaminated water, poor hygiene and sanitation practices. We owe our communities the responsibility to advise on good hygiene and sanitation practices. We contribute through construction of portable water systems, maintenance of water sources, provision of water catchment, donation of water purification tablets, plastic containers, detergents and pales. Production of posters on good sanitation.
Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH)
Inclusive community based surveillance of cholera in Bamusso sub-division: Engaging communities in Directly in Active monitoring, Early Identification, Reporting and Responding to Community Health Threats
Goal: To Develop an action plan for Inclusive community based surveillance of cholera in Bamusso sub-division: Engaging communities in Directly in Active monitoring, Early Identification, Reporting and Responding to Community Health Threats
End Pandemics
Ongoing Project
Breaking Barriers in Access to effective Malaria Treatment
Fight Against Malaria
The implementation of the humanitarian sub-project with Reach Out Cameroon will specifically contribute to the achievement of the general objectives of the national strategic plan to fight the three diseases (HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria) and of the Contingency plan in the North West and South West Regions for populations in humanitarian emergencies, in particular by contributing to the achievement of the following results, by 2023.
The Global Fund
01/01/2021 - 31/12/2023
Cholera Emergency Response
This project is an emergency response to the recent cholera outbreak in the South-West Region of Cameroon. In the Limbe, Kumba, Buea and Tiko health districts, we are working with community health volunteers from the nursing school to carry out community sensitisation on cholera reaching a minimum of 600.000 inhabitants. We also increase the consumption of safe drinking water through the distribution of aqua-tabs to 26.664 households.
Agbor Evon Njingang
Assistant Health Department
Dr. Metuge Alain
Head of Health Department
"Sustainable primary healthcare for all is achievable, but requires full community participation."
Fang Eugene Enah
M&E Officer
Healthcare in Remote Areas -Mobile Clinics
This project provides basic healthcare in remote areas where healthcare is no longer available due to the conflict. Community health workers are community members trained, paid, and supplied to provide free basic and emergency healthcare to children 0-5 and the most vulnerable, and link complicated cases to specialized healthcare. They also monitor outbreaks.
Enhancing Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights
Since June 2021, we engaged in sensitisation of adolescent girls on sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in remote communities of Ndian Division.
Sensitisation focuses on sexually transmissible infections, HIV, family planning, gender-based violence and menstrual hygiene.
Amplify Change