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Communication Assistant - Data Visualisation Expert.

We are looking for an enthusiastic individual who has a keen interest in details and can work to showcase the impact of our work through data visualization.

Download application details and apply by 20th June, 2023 if your qualifications match this opportunity. .

Job advert Communications Assistant_ Data Visualisation Specialist
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Call for Supplies

SEMBE II aims to strengthen the Cameroonian government's and local stakeholders' capacity to address malaria prevention, control, and elimination efforts effectively. The initiative will carry out int

calls for supplies

SEMBE II vise à renforcer les capacités du gouvernement Camerounais et des parties prenantes locales à lutter efficacement contre les efforts de prévention, de contrôle et d’élimination du paludisme.

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Head Office

Small Soppo, Buea,

South-West Region

Cameroon, P.O. Box 88

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Regional Offices

Peace House - West Farms, Buea (SW)

Health Office - GRA, Buea (SW)

Regional Office - Foncha Street, Bamenda (NW)

Regional Office - Pitoare, Maroua (Far North)

Focal Points

Douala (Littoral Region)

Yaounde (Centre Region)

+237 679395150

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